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What’s your card?

History of the Cards

The earliest records tell us the 52-card deck came out of Egypt, gradually making their way into Europe along trade routes.

A card fragment of the 4 of Cup (4♥), historically dates to the 12th century. The design of the fragment compares to a near complete deck of 52 cards that were discovered in the Topkapi Palace Museum in Istanbul. It is referred to as the Mamluk deck.

The Mamluk deck has 52 cards, plus joker; 4 suits, ten cards per suit, and 12 court cards inscribed with prophetic text and marked: malik, na’ib malik, and thani na’ib. Spain and Italy referred to playing cards as naipe, and naibbe. They are still called naipes in Spain today.

The word na’ib associates with the word nabī, which means “ideas of divine inspiration and prophecy.” The word naba means “bulletin of something before its occurrence.”

“Receiving word from God, such as contains knowledge of things unknown, and embraces prophecies remarkable in grandeur, the man who communicates this word to humankind, in Islamic terminology, is called al Nabī.” (Lecture entitled Hujjatullah, Alhakm, May 6, 1905)


The Greeks believe Thoth was the originator of all knowledge on earth and in the heavens. He was responsible for “framing” the laws of Ma’at – that of balance and harmony, i.e. the Law of Cause and Effect.

Thoth was the Nabi of all Nabis’. He appears regularly at the side of Osiris and Anubis in the Hall of Truth, “weighing the heart against the feather of truth,” keeping the accounts of the souls of the living, and recording the journey of those who passed.

He was the god of knowledge, writing, astrology and religion. He was the author of sacred geometry; he was God’s greatest mathematician!

His consort was Seshat – the Celestial Librarian, keeper of the House of Life. She was the one who wrote down everything Thoth.

Together they inscribed the cause and effect of a person’s life – their karma – “etched into the bricks” on which they were born.

It was Thoth who created the solar year calendar we use today. In the beginning there were only 360 days in the year. Clever Thoth wagered the Moon’s bright light and won. Dividing the moon’s light into five days of sunlight, the extra days balanced the year at 365.25.


This is the Life Tablet….

It is the record of everyone’s individual karma, from Birth to Age 1.

The first year is the “attachment bonding” stage of life. Your experiences during this time create the emotional/ psychological patterns that influence all of your future relationships, including the one you have with yourself.

The bigger card is your birthday card and the little card is your soul card. For example: the soul card for the 10 ♥ is the Jack ♣.

The Soul Card represents the Ka in ancient Egypt. Ka is a life force, the soul of a person. It is your quintessential, or higher self. You know you are connecting with your Ka when everything feels right with the world.

What's Your Card?

I was born on the